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Gym Workout Playlist

Today my playlist was "ROCKING", I felt great!  It was like I didn't want to stop working out. Today was leg, butt, and abs which are my favorite,  but it was something about my music where I felt like I was in my own zone.  Squats are one of my favorite leg and butt exercises, I normally do 2 kinds of squats on my second day of legs and butt. One set I will do wall squats using a stability ball and the other I will do squats on a aerobic board with two 8 pound weights for extra weight.  But today I want to do plie squats and squats on the squat machine using 45 pound weights on each side along with wall squats. I KNOCKED THAT WORKOUT OUT THE PARK! As you probably can tell I'm still pretty pumped and I workout at least 45 minutes ago.

I believe the music your listening to while your on your way to the gym puts you in the mood. I also believe the music that you put in your ears right before your workout matters. It has to be loud to go over the boring music the gym has to offer, high energetic to make you want to push through your work outs, and your favorite songs.  I'm that girl that hears a song that she likes and keeps it on repeat, don't laugh I know, strange but hey I like what I like. The only problem with that is by day 3 your burnt out on that song. The crazy thing about a playlist in my opinion is you can put one together but if your not feeling that song at that time nine times out of ten your going to stop your workout to change the song. Don't worry we've all done it.

I'm looking forward to creating a few playlist for the gym instead of just one. I'm thinking about creating one for cardio, my work out and my cool down.  Its nothing more annoying when your finishing up a hamstring workout and right before you finish the music cuts off, throws your whole workout off.  When I'm finishing up on a working out,  I like to play something a little slower. I like to listen to R&B and little Hip Hop when working out it gets me through some tough reps.

If your wondering what I'm listening too right now here you go:

Walk around the Club/ Treal Lee
Do it/ Myko
Ride Like That/ Travis Porter
Ayy Ladies/Tyga ft. Travis Porter
Go Harder/ Future
Starships/ Nicki Minaj
Mercy/ Kanye West
Hustle Hard/ Lil Wayne and Ace Hood
Same "D" Time/ Future
Take it to the Head/ DJ Khaled and Chris Brown
Birthday Cake/ Rihanna and Chris Brown
Beez in the Trap/ Nicki Minaj

What's on your Gym Workout Playlist?

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Best Leg Exercises

Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's are my leg day's. I usually incorporate back, and abs in the mix to make sure I get a full intense workout. To my surprise the hubby came with me today he usually only comes along on my arm days and you guys know how I feel about those days. So, we went to the gym and as usually on Monday's it was packed but I didn't let that detour me.

I did 5 minutes of cardio on the treadmill on a incline of 7.0 at a speed of 2.8. Then I jumped right into my circuit workout.  I did sumo squats on a step aerobic board using a 8 pound weight (15 reps), jumping right into a split squat(10 reps) on each leg if your a newbie just do 5 and work your way up the next time you do the circuit, then roman dead lifts(15 reps), following salsa lunges(10  reps) on each leg, completing with 12 burpees. Resting for 30 secs. That was one set, I had 2 more to do then I was done. 

Off to the bike to bring my heart rate down a little, I was on the bike for one minute then I was off to do 3 sets of leg curls(20 reps) resting for 10 secs. between each set. It was time for calves,  not my favorite but it beats arms any day. I did a pyramid with my calves to shock them. The machine I used was the seated calf machine. I started off with a ten pound weight on my first set(20 reps), then I did a fifteen pound weight on my second set(10 reps), my last set I finished with a twenty pound weight(8 reps).

It was time for some back action! I went straight to the seated row machine doing 3 sets 15 reps resting for 10 secs. between sets. Then I went over to the stability ball, I love that ball. I did 3 sets of 15 reps of back extensions  on the stability ball. Resting 10 secs. between each set. Then I did a crossed leg reversed crunch 3 sets of 25 reps resting for 10 secs. between each set. Then I planked for 30 secs. Went to the bike for a 5 minutes for my cool down. WORKOUT COMPLETE!

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What's In Your Smoothie?

What is the purpose of a smoothie? Is a question that I get from newbies. To be honest it all depends on what your trying to do. There are smoothies for just about anything healthy, I will give you a example of a few. There are smoothies for weight loss, curve your sweet tooth, health benefits, meal replacements, muscle gain, getting your fruit food group in one take, I could go on and on about the great benefits and reasons why you should drink a smoothie everyday.

I like to drink a smoothie after a great workout, it helps to replenish the nutrients that I lost while I was working out back into my body. It fills me up,  allowing me to replace a meal that I would've eaten without drinking a smoothie. Also allows me to consume less calories. Smoothies are also really great in the hot summer months as well. 

Now that you know why you should drink a smoothie. Lets talk about what you should put in your smoothie. Fruit is Heaven sent most are sweet and packed with a lot of health benefits.

 Lets go over some:
  • Strawberries: Are a good source of fiber, the help to lower blood pressure, and its a  antioxidant and its a anti-inflammatory 
  • Blueberries: Are very high in antioxidants, boost your immune system, reduces belly fat, and is a anti-depressant 
  • Bananas: Lowers blood pressure, keeps digestion regular, very high in potassium, aids in cancer prevention
  • Avocado: Lowers cholesterol, helps prevent aging allowing you to look and stay young longer,
  • Pineapples: Rich in vitamins, strengthens bones, and helps to fight colds
  • Raspberries: Antioxidant, natural sun protector, lots of vitamins 
  • Blackberries: Prevents with blood clotting, cardiovascular benefits, and eye health
  • Mango: Helps with acne, beneficial for anemia, boost your memory, helps with weight gain
Fruits are packed with everything we need to live a healthy balanced life and when mixed together they're a force to be reckon with. If your wondering how to make a smoothie, its quite easy. All you need is a blender, fruit, milk( I prefer almond milk), greek yogurt if you don't mind the extra calories, and a few ice cubes. Once you have all that your blender you ready to make some magic happen. I suggest you have fun with your smoothies, play around with them and see what you like and what you want to trade off for something else. Whats the worst thing that's going to happen? You get healthy! 

 Whats in my smoothie, today is: Coco powder, strawberries, blueberries, almond milk, and few ice cubes. What's in yours?


7 Fitness Rules You Should Break

Forget everything you thought you knew about getting fit. Outdated advice abounds—and may keep you from getting the smartest, safest workout. And getting your body beach-ready can be surprisingly easy: Several new studies show that moderate exercise—not pushing yourself to the limit—is the best prescription for better health and a longer life.
In fact, one recent study found that working out as little as 15 minutes a day—or 92 minutes a week—lengthens life by three years, compared to people who are sedentary. Want to add four years to your life? Exercise 30 minutes daily at a comfortable pace.
Here are 7 fitness rules that are meant to flouted—and new ones backed by solid science to help optimize your workout.

Old rule: Avoid exercising in the heat.

New rule: Acclimatize slowly and cool your neck.

series of experiments shows that cooling the neck before working out in hot, humid weather can significantly boost athletic performance. Volunteers wearing ice-cold, strap-on neck collars could run faster on a treadmill in 87-degree heat than when they weren’t wearing the collars. You can get similar results by dipping a handkerchief in ice water and draping it around your neck.
Stay safe by gradually increasing the length and intensity of hot-weather exercise over two weeks, drinking ample fluids, and taking frequent breaks.

Old rule: Drink before you’re thirsty.

New rule: Drink up, but avoid fluid overload.

For years, sports nutritionists recommended “drinking ahead of thirst” to avoid dehydration. However, recent studies show that slight dehydration doesn’t hurt athletic performance or health.
A study by the Sports Science Institute of South Africa compared runners who did three two-hour workouts, in which they either quaffed a sports beverage according to thirst (about 13 oz. per hour), at a moderate timed rate (about 4 oz. every 15 to 20 minutes) and at a high rate (about 10 oz every 15 to 20 minutes). There were no significant differences in core body temperature or finishing time.
“The idea that thirst comes too late is a marketing ploy of the sports-drink industry," says Tim Noakes, M.D., professor of sport and exercise science at University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Old rule: Cardio burns the most calories.

New rule: Weight training is a better fat-burner.

A recent University of Southern Maine study found that 30 minutes of weight training torches as many calories as running at a blistering six-minute-mile pace. Along with boosting strength and chiseling muscles, weight training revs up your metabolism for up to 36 hours.
High-intensity training is another excellent fat-burner, with a recent review in Journal of Obesity reporting that it’s more effective than other forms of exercise for flattening the belly, while also improving aerobic fitness.

Old rule: Work out longer and faster to boost your health.

New rule: Aim for 30 to 60 minutes of moderate exercise daily.

A new study found that people who jogged 10 to 15 miles per week, at a pace of six or seven miles per hour, significantly outlived those who ran further and faster. The low-mileage group had 27 percent lower risk of death, compared to non-runners, while people who logged more than 25 miles weekly at higher speeds had no significant drop in mortality. The study analyzed the medical records of nearly 53,000 adults over an average of 15 years.
Another study, published in Mayo Clinic Proceeding in June, found that extreme endurance training may cause long-term heart damage in some marathoners, professional cyclists, and ultra-marathon runners. The researchers say that moderate exercise or interval training (mini-bursts of high-intensity exercise) is healthier for the heart.

Old rule: Subtract your age from 220 to get your maximum heart rate.

New rule: Women should use 206 minus 88 percent of their age.

To burn fat and improve endurance, typically, your target heart rate should be 60 to 80 percent of your max. However, the traditional formula is based on research in men and can result in a max that’s too high for women, according to a study published in Circulation.
The researchers developed the new gender-specific formula based on an analysis of about 6,000 healthy women ages 35 and older. And while the math is a little tricky, you only need to run the numbers once a year—on your birthday.

Old rule: Stretch before your workout to prevent injuries.

New rule: Do a 10-minute dynamic warm-up.

study published in British Medical Journal found no scientific evidence to back up the notion that stretching before a workout reduces injuries or that stretching before and after prevents muscle soreness.
Other studies show that static stretching can actually impair athletic performance, while dynamic warm-ups—such as pairing calisthenics (like squatting and lunging) with running drills—improve it. Dynamic warm-ups also reduce injuries, a 2006 study found.

Old rule: Prevent or treat overuse injuries with custom foot orthotics.

New rule: Cheaper prefab inserts are just as good.

Custom orthotics are a billion-dollar industry, but there’s little evidence that they deliver more benefit. A study of military recruits found no difference in rates of stress fractures, ankle sprains, or foot problems in those given custom orthotics versus those who wore prefabricated inserts.
Another study found that prefabricated heel cups for plantar fasciitis (heel pain syndrome) actually provided better pain relief than custom orthotics, at far lower cost.


Weight Loss Journey

I'm not the first person to start a journey of any kind and I'm not going to be the last.  I will allow you into my world and let you know why I did start, a weight loss journey.  I never had weight issues, I've always been very active and fit. Up until my mother's passing. I became very, depressed, and angry to a lot of my family members. My mother was my rock, best friend, counselor, she was my everything wrapped up into one. When I tried to tell someone about how I was feeling my delivery was off. So, I turned to food. I felt good when I ate a cupcake, pie or anything sweet for that matter. Then anything fried or greasy would sustain my hurt. Just this year I told myself I've had enough. Walking into my bathroom and seeing my body transformed into someone I never seen before brought more depression on and I couldn't take it anymore. The woman my fiance' fell in love with was no longer present. I had to find that woman again who was happy, fit, and felt beautiful again. So this is the reason behind my journey. I welcome all supporters on this healthy living journey!

Every Friday I take a picture of myself to see my progress. To see if I've lost weight, inches, toned up, or started to form definition. Posting these pictures of myself up on the internet is truly hard, not only am I showing my flaws, I'm allowing others to judge me. But, if I can't be real and true to my self then who can I be real with. I hope you use my pictures as motivation and knowing that someone other than yourself is striving to have the same goal. What is that goal? Being the best me! As I may be supporting and motivating you, I want you to know that your doing the same for me. To see my journey click on the Picture Friday tab.

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Let’s Go Grocery Shopping!

So your starting over and changing your lifestyle! Its time to clean out your pantry and refrigerator. Many women find themselves going to the grocery store with good intentions of buying healthy foods, only to come home with low fat cookies, potato chips, crystal light, flavored oatmeal, and lean cusines meals. It can be very difficult to change the way that you shop for your weekly foods to match your healthy "diet" plans.  When your first starting out.

Before leaving home, make a grocery list. But before you make a grocery list, make a list for your upcoming week. Developing your meal plan doesn’t have to be difficult, consider some of the foods that you already have.  Once you got your meals planned out for the week, look for the the ingredients that you will need for each meal and make a note of the ones that you will need to purchase. Once you found out what you need, make your grocery list, list the foods you need to buy by the aisle.  That way your not making unnecessary stops in aisles you don't need to be in. Tempting yourself to buy unhealthy items.

 Look for whole grains near the rice and pasta. Look for labels that read 100% whole-wheat to be sure you are getting whole grain products. Take some time to find the healthier foods rather than going  for your old eating habits.Fresh vegetables and fruits make up the largest part of your grocery list. I recommend that you eat at least seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Choose seasonal produce and get a variety, especially if you are feeding a family. If you buy a lot of fresh fruit freeze some and refrigerator the others. It's less expensive and last longer.

Your proteins and meats should consist of mostly seafood (shrimp, fish, etc.), poultry(chicken, turkey) and lean meats. When buying your poultry look for the labels that say 100% natural, and locally grown. These are the best and healthiest meats. Eggs, nuts, and beans should be part of your list as well. Beverages should be kept simple. Water, almond milk, powerade or gatorade, and herbal teas are all good choices. NO soda's not even diet. Try almond milk or rice-milk for tasty alternatives to whole milk or low fat milk. Don’t forget, many fruits and vegetables are good sources of calcium too.

Take caution when buying condiments. They can be sneaky sources of refined sugars and high in fat and calories. Read labels to choose the best condiments.  When choosing dressings for your salad make sure they're made with healthy oils such as olive oil and canola oil. Coconut Oil is a great oil options as well. Frozen vegetables are convenient and nutritious. If you are cooking for one, there are a lot of single serving frozen entrees that cook up in minutes. These make it easy to have a variety of vegetables. (Green Giant is one of my favs.)

Peanut butter sandwiches can be very healthy made on 100% whole grain bread. When buying bread, look out for labels that say enriched flour. These are not good for you, enriched means all the nutrients that once was in the bread are gone and replaced with sugar.  Look for homemade peanut butter without the added sugar.  Almond butter is also a great healthy altervative as well. Deli meats, such as turkey and chicken slices are better choices for sandwiches then processed lunch meat.

Quick Tips For Every Day Shopping
• Never go to the grocery store when you are hungry.
• Bring a pen and check off everything on your grocery list.
• Park your car further out in the parking lot, for more exercise.
• Don’t eat in your car. It will keep you from mindlessly eating while driving down the road. Having the tendency to forget about the calories, sugar and fat that we consume when driving.
• If your going to have a long outing, bring a small cooler. Stock it up with fresh fruit, water, and poweraide or gatoraide. This will give you healthy options on the go. Not tempting you to stop by the fast food drive-thru.

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Couples Workout

Are you getting bored with your workout? Do you need some extra motivation? Do you need some quality time?  Why, not go with your significant other.  Working out with my significant other is not only fun, motivating, but its en powering. I get to show him how much I've improved since the last time. Then I get to show off and flirt all at the same time. I'm not that type of girl that needs to be around her man all hours of the clock. So, I chose to workout with my partner on my more challenging workout days. Which are my arms, chest and back.

For some reason on those days I just don't get pumped up, if he's not there.  I'll rush the exercise just to get it over with, instead of feeling the burn. Another reason arms, chest, and back is a good workout day for me now, is because these are his favorite kind of workouts. It's like he goes into a zone, its just him and the dumbbell's and he's ready for war. Very attractive, I have to say so myself. Seeing him in his zone makes me want to go harder in the gym. When he sees how hard I'm working in the gym, he comes over and pushes me to my full potential. Not taking "NO" for a answer 

Working out with my Fiance' definitely brings us closer, we both share a common interest and it gives us a lot to talk about outside of everything else we have in common. We are both competitive, us going to the gym together not only allows us to push harder to beat the other in their goals. But, we're getting fit and healthy in a fun way. After workouts we go to the sauna, sit back and relax and compare workouts. Corny to some but interesting to others. Workout together definitely has brought us closer, there are a lot benefits to working out with your partner. I'll name a few!

  1. Quality Time
  2. Common Interest
  3. Brings you closer as a couple
  4. Keeps you motivated
  5. Friendly, Flirty Competition
Some of the exercises that we do together:
  1. Bicep Curls
  2. Triceps Curls
  3. Back Extentions
  4. Lat Pull Downs
  5. Barbell Bench Press(no weight or 5 pounds for me)
  6. Cable Cross Overs
  7. Old Fashion Push Ups
If your losing interest don't give up just yet, grab that special someone and go to the gym together! You'll be glad you did.


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