I'm not the first person to start a journey of any kind and I'm not going to be the last. I will allow you into my world and let you know why I did start, a weight loss journey. I never had weight issues, I've always been very active and fit. Up until my mother's passing. I became very, depressed, and angry to a lot of my family members. My mother was my rock, best friend, counselor, she was my everything wrapped up into one. When I tried to tell someone about how I was feeling my delivery was off. So, I turned to food. I felt good when I ate a cupcake, pie or anything sweet for that matter. Then anything fried or greasy would sustain my hurt. Just this year I told myself I've had enough. Walking into my bathroom and seeing my body transformed into someone I never seen before brought more depression on and I couldn't take it anymore. The woman my fiance' fell in love with was no longer present. I had to find that woman again who was happy, fit, and felt beautiful again. So this is the reason behind my journey. I welcome all supporters on this healthy living journey!
Every Friday I take a picture of myself to see my progress. To see if I've lost weight, inches, toned up, or started to form definition. Posting these pictures of myself up on the internet is truly hard, not only am I showing my flaws, I'm allowing others to judge me. But, if I can't be real and true to my self then who can I be real with. I hope you use my pictures as motivation and knowing that someone other than yourself is striving to have the same goal. What is that goal? Being the best me! As I may be supporting and motivating you, I want you to know that your doing the same for me. To see my journey click on the Picture Friday tab.
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