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Couples Workout

Are you getting bored with your workout? Do you need some extra motivation? Do you need some quality time?  Why, not go with your significant other.  Working out with my significant other is not only fun, motivating, but its en powering. I get to show him how much I've improved since the last time. Then I get to show off and flirt all at the same time. I'm not that type of girl that needs to be around her man all hours of the clock. So, I chose to workout with my partner on my more challenging workout days. Which are my arms, chest and back.

For some reason on those days I just don't get pumped up, if he's not there.  I'll rush the exercise just to get it over with, instead of feeling the burn. Another reason arms, chest, and back is a good workout day for me now, is because these are his favorite kind of workouts. It's like he goes into a zone, its just him and the dumbbell's and he's ready for war. Very attractive, I have to say so myself. Seeing him in his zone makes me want to go harder in the gym. When he sees how hard I'm working in the gym, he comes over and pushes me to my full potential. Not taking "NO" for a answer 

Working out with my Fiance' definitely brings us closer, we both share a common interest and it gives us a lot to talk about outside of everything else we have in common. We are both competitive, us going to the gym together not only allows us to push harder to beat the other in their goals. But, we're getting fit and healthy in a fun way. After workouts we go to the sauna, sit back and relax and compare workouts. Corny to some but interesting to others. Workout together definitely has brought us closer, there are a lot benefits to working out with your partner. I'll name a few!

  1. Quality Time
  2. Common Interest
  3. Brings you closer as a couple
  4. Keeps you motivated
  5. Friendly, Flirty Competition
Some of the exercises that we do together:
  1. Bicep Curls
  2. Triceps Curls
  3. Back Extentions
  4. Lat Pull Downs
  5. Barbell Bench Press(no weight or 5 pounds for me)
  6. Cable Cross Overs
  7. Old Fashion Push Ups
If your losing interest don't give up just yet, grab that special someone and go to the gym together! You'll be glad you did.


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